A downloadable game

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08/04/2023: Chinese fan transtion available: Link here (Read description)

01/11/2023: Steam version available & new update on itch: Link here

31/10/2022: Campaign for extra routes: https://ko-fi.com/pinlin 
Dark Nights prints and merch: https://pinlin-shop.com/ 

09/06/2022: Spanish fan translation available: Link here

22/11/2020: Russian fan translation available. Link here.

17/06/2020: Polish fan translation available. Link here.

01/11/2019: Uploaded 0.1 - Fixed the bug where you couldn't access the sketchbook and bonus scenes even after collecting all ending achievements. Your progress will be carried over automatically after downloading the new version.


You live in a small, peaceful village. Every day is the same as any other; boring. Right when you wish for something exciting to happen, strange things start to occur, stemming from the nearby forest. If that isn't enough, the locals have begun disappearing. At the same time, you meet four mysterious guys. Will you discover the truth before becoming the next target?

Rating: 16+, for violence, (mild) blood and suggestive themes


 4 routes, each with a unique storyline
 16 possible endings, 4 per storyline
 At least 10 hours playtime - 60,000 - 70,000 words per storyline. Total 270,608 words
 8+ side characters, vary per route. 
 60 CG art/20+ cut scenes
 60 Original background art
 37 Original soundtracks
 29 Achievements
 Opening video
 Bonus material

Q: Will there be a suggested route order?

A: There isn’t an official order, because each route is a puzzle piece of the whole. Although, some routes are more connected than others. Like Zeikun and Sachiro. If you are going to play all routes anyway, I suggest starting off with Zeikun or Sachiro as an introduction to the story. Kurato and Junoru routes are more plot-heavy so I’d do them as last.

If you enjoy keeping hooked on mysteries I suggest this order: Sachiro> Zeikun> Kurato > Junoru. To understand hints given in other routes I suggest this order: Kurato > Zeikun > Sachiro or Junoru.  After reaching any normal/romantic ending of other characters, it unlocks an extra scene at the ending of Kurato.

Main Cast

Heroine (re-nameable) — A bored girl who seeks mysteries.
Zeikun —  A rude and straightforward man.
Junoru— Quiet and mysterious gentleman.
Sachiro —  A lost boy who asks for your help.
Kurato Despite his cheerful personality, the heroine questions his intentions.


Official Site — Development blog and info about the game.
Tumblr — Mostly doodles and short notices.
Twitter — Doodles, notices and fan creations.
Discord chat Server—  Chat with fellow players and staff.

Full walk-through by Emi

Full walk-through 2 by Alice

You can report bugs and script errors here: 


If you enjoy the content, please support us! It will help us with the progress and work on more content.

For donations, you can also refer to this link: http://darknights-time.weebly.com/support.html

Release date Oct 30, 2019
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(582 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py
Tags2D, Anime, Dating Sim, Fantasy, Multiple Endings, Mystery, Otome, Ren'Py, Romance
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen
LinksHomepage, Twitter/X, Blog


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DarkNights-1.1-pc.zip 399 MB
DarkNights-1.1-mac.zip 365 MB
Dark Nights Soundtrack 149 MB
if you pay $10 USD or more

Development log


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Also: the ending was miserable.
My dear demon vanished without me. *sobs*

Didn't even get a choice to go away with him.... *sigh*


So far I like the game. The artwork is good, and the story interesting.

But the mc is an idiot.
How foolish must you be to believe the local police would assign a guard dressed up like...well... definatly not a policeman.
Personally I'd head straight to the police-station to check if it's true, and not trust him one whit.

She's also not telling her friends what's going on, which she really should have,
Mind you, I get why she doesn't. Humans are funny that way. So it makes sense that she decide not to.
But I really would have loved to have a choice to actually tell them.
Because that's what -I- would have done.
(Not because I care to tell them everything, but as an insurance policy should something happen to me. Better to be laughed at and either saved or avenged later, than to keep your dignity and end up dead with no one having a clue why.)

It feels incredibly frustrating to have so few choices. >_<
I feel like there's nothing I can do to impact the story at all after the prologue. And even when there are choices, there was very few that impacted the story at all, except choosing potential love interest.
I can't see any difference in the outcome of the story no matter which choice I pick most of the time.

How does going straight when you stare at a forest or house make you somehow end up in town? oO
Is that an intentional magic kinda of thing, ooooor.....? Oo
That is one bizzare run.... CLEARLY some kind of wacky magic is going on as the way you turn doesn't make any sense.

Pop quiz: DO choices matter? Am I just blind on that? I realize I may be mistaken about it, maybe I didn't watch the path long enough or something....

Or is the only choices that makes ANY difference in this game choices that define whether you live or die, and which love interest you want?

The demon is not very good at being a demon. *pouts*

But I admit that is very common in games like this.
For some strange reason people seem to like bad boys that aren't actually bad.
I don't think I will ever understand it.

Honestly tho....

This looks a whole lot like most other Otome games I've seen on Steam.
Including those published by larger companies.

The backdrop of the story may change, the love interest may change their appearance but usually contains the same basic cast in some form or other, and the basic story remain the same in every single one of them.

Whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your tastes.

But it's a good chance it will sell well.


If I could turn back time, I would've done everything differently. This was written by a first time developer with no clear direction. I got a chance to improve by making the DLC. I appreciate critiq like yours, so I can use it in my future work.

Firstly, I added a lot more choices. The prologue alone has 5 menus and they do impact the plot. The MC gets more inner monologues and reflects on her actions. She has her own back story, but the reader can influence her actions.

I took a spin on some common tropes in the DLC. Some characters are underdeveloped in the main game. I'll do my best to take more notes in the DLC beta testing.


i remember playing this game years ago and im replaying rn it still slaps THIS IS SO FIRE


If you love otome games where characters feel like they truly exist in the world you are immersing yourself in, this is it. 

Dark Nights has truly been the most memorable game for me, as I feel like as I am growing to know how to survive better in the circumstances that the MC is tossed in, the characters are also 'growing'. Even after completing the character specific routes, I find myself being able to learn more aspects about them in other routes, allowing me to have a deeper emotional understanding and attachment towards each of them. 

Often, in my experience, I found myself playing otomes where characters only existed in their route, which took me outside of the immersive experience as it felt like I was being pigeon holed to only one person. 

(Note: I played in the advised order of Kurato > Sachiro > Zeikun > Junoru. For Kurato on my first play through, I died. However, the hints provided allowed me to gain one of the romantic endings for Sachiro on my first play through, the same for Zeikun as well. However, for Junoru, I got to two death endings before I managed to achieve a romantic end. The fact that I couldn't be perfect also made the playing experience even more real, and I am currently aiming to try and complete all the possible endings).  


I literally LOVED this game, i did all the routes, the story caught me a lot :)) Although it is long (it took me almost a week lmao), the story is very well written as are the characters. 

I read that you are developing a dlc, I literally can't wait to play itt                           (sorry for my bad english btw)


I see there are 4 endings per route, I was wondering besides 'bad' ending and 'good' ending what else is there? I'm planning on playing soon :D

Bad endings end earlier, otherwise you reach a "normal" or "romantic" ending. Both are different and packed with art. Have fun!

So normal, romantic, and bad.... So what's the 4th?  Sryy I'm asking too many questions 😭

It's 2x bad, 1x normal and 1x romantic. That adds up to 4 endings.

Ok tytyyyy :)))


Hi! I keep receiving a message that the archive is corrupt whenever I try to download the game... is there any way I can fix this? I really want to play...

Uninstall all files and try the Steam version. The installation process is easier. If it still doesn't work, you're welcome to join the discord server and we'll help you out! https://discord.gg/b7wwHhx


blace date me


can't believe i said this


anyway blace hmu


I loved this game! After putting off finishing it for so long, I already did it! I got good finishes on all the routes. My favorites were the Sachiro route and Junoru route <3

I love that each route complements the mysteries of the other. In the end when you finish all the histories you realize that everything fits together!

Very good work! I loved. I'm sad to have finished the routes but hey! I still don't have all the achievements. I'll try to get them!


This game is just SPECTACULAR. I love it so muchhhh. I beg you make more. I'm completely obsessed with both the art and the story.

(3 edits) (+3)

This game is absolutely amazing!!! I already played it a few years ago and it was one of my first VN. Since then I played a lot more, and I'll have to say: Never found (and probably never will) a game with such heartbreaking story(s) again! No other game let me feel being so close to the characters like yours.

Though... I would so much like to see a sequel to the storys with a final battle. Obviously one character seems to me to be the cause behind of (almost) all evil in DN - no matter the route (I don't want to spoiler the name here). Often after battle scenes at the end of each route I feel remebered of Marvel's super heroes: We learned to know all the characters as individuum and waiting for them to appear again in Avengers for working together :)

(3 edits) (+1)

Best Visual Novel I have ever played.All routes are so interesting, I'll play all the routes.I have completed all endings for sachiro and zeikun.    Chain and Kaichi definitely made my heart beat so fast when they are around me. please,I'm so attached to kaichi(Chain too lol.but he will get a route for sure.yay!!!!) I hope with my all heart for him to be the hidden route.

Thank you so much for developing such an amazing game.💓💓


Thank you very much for this game. ^^ 

I loved it and I fell in love with all the characters. Now I'm suffering because I don't know which I want the hidden route to be, if Kaichi, Biace or Jace. I want them all! XD


So I started the game yesterday and the first LI I chose was Zeikun. I must say, I fell so hard for Kaichi tho TT_TT. I haven't finished with Zeikun's route yet, but looking forward to seeing what Kaichi is like in the rest of the routes. Is it true that there won't be a Kaichi route? I saw a comment mentioning that :c. Anyway, love the game for now! Had to go to bed so late because of it XD. Thank you so much for making it! <3

I'm glad that you enjoy the game so far! All completed and upcoming routes are mentioned on the official page. Since the extra route campaign got 100% funded, I will add a secret route. Who might it be? 


Extra route campaign: Roya / Chain
The first goal of funding one route has been reached! Thank you for all the support. The campaign ends in 4 days: https://ko-fi.com/pinlin

If it ends with only one route, you can vote on which of the 2 characters: https://darknights-time.weebly.com/


can we have a Chain route pls


we reached the full goal and surpassed it just in time! we're getting a chain, roya and hidden route :))




also love ur username pff


NO ;( i didn't expect to love Sachiro so much and now I can't do the next 3 routes because I'm so attached to him😭 WHYYY. I DIDN'T EXPECT TO LOVE HIM SO MUCH

(3 edits) (+3)

I´m not done yet but like if there was a chain route?I would dig it up bro makes me blush edit: I´m almost done and real quick? I´m adding the twins and Roya to that list they make me blush hard like damn OK But like imagine a game with them tho like damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


His route is might be made possible with the campaign on my Ko-Fi. You can check the links in my latest development log.


I am completly obsessed with this game now help...

I finished all the endings yesterday. It was so fun to play 

hey can you help me out pls

You are welcome to join my discord server and the community can help you https://discord.gg/na4EzJX5

TY !!

i am desperate.

i am very sorry but i dont have that one either :c

its alright thank you tho !


I am now obsessed with Kurato pls help


I've just come back to this after being gone for a while, I am austistic and due to that create complex scenarios in my head, and your characters are my favourite to imagine. Particularly Chain, I always love to imagine would a route for him would look like, or even how he'd be able to slowly coexist with other beings with the protagonists help. So when I saw you may be making a Chain route, I was so happy. I almost exclusively played the game for him, Kaichi, and Roya (I hope those are their names it's been a while lol). I will be donating when I get a chance, I'm genuinely so excited. I know it may sound kinda lame but this game genuinely changed my life.


I usually just play one route on VNs, choosing my honest responses, and I wouldn't have even chosen Sachiro because he looks young, but I LOVE mysteries so for this one I trusted your "keeping hooked on mysteries" play order and I AM SO GLAD I DID this first route was SO GOOD and this story is so relevant to my interests I'm glad I get to read everything now in a smart order


I am completely obsessed with this. I finished the game recently and I ended up ordering the merch bundle.
I really hope this gets the funding needed for adding the extra routes!

I really like the story and the routes but sometimes I feel like the MC is a bit too childish or immature for being an independent high school student. Like sometimes in the in-game storyline she makes childish decisions when the truth is obvious. 

I really like Kaichi though!! Hopefully we'll get enough funding for his route~

(1 edit) (+2)

finished playing this game a year ago and now leaving a comment abt it!!

the first full length VN i played on itch,,,i dedicated myself to finish every single ending from every route bc i wanted to get every single achievement (it was worth it~) every route was unique in its own way but kurato's route was a personal favorite !! in terms of the most interesting it was definitely junoru's,,his route is where all the pieces really start coming together so it was really memorable. 

while i loved the main cast, i also loved the side characters!! my favs were kaichi and chain. without any spoilers, kaichi is a really interesting character once u know his backstory (and i enjoyed his interactions with the heroine!) chain is a bit of a mysterious character, and plays an important role in some routes, so i hope the extra route for him pushes through!! 

art is also gorgeous, everyone's character design was beautiful and unique <3

overall a really good game, and the bonus content u unlock once u finish everything was a nice little reward as well!! 


I'm in love with a demon~

Really wish there was extra routes for other characters. Like Juns brother, the twins, Kaichi, Ohhhh espec Chain X)


I started a crowdfund for the extra routes. You can check the link on the top of this page. I've been thinking about their storylines because the game still has some mysteries left. It will be my pleasure to work on DN again!

Does the chiming noise when you make a choice mean its correct?

That is an indication for the romantic ending. If none, that choice doesn't affect the route. It's not really a 'correct' choice because you can enjoy the story in multiple ways!


No android download makes me sad, looks  great.


The art in this game is so beautiful and everyone in it is so attractive. Especially Junoru's dad?? What a babe

The GUI is now the default on Androi

Deleted 2 years ago

Please add spoiler alert 😭


I love this game so much. I played many otome games and this is my favourite one and will always be. This game can describe the word perfection. I highly recommend this game!


This game is really awesome! I love it! The graphics are amazing, the story is really catchy! When playing, you always want to know what happens next! YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!! 


Let me just say first, graphics AMAZING, YOU DID A GREAT JOB!! I just downloaded the game and I'm a few chapters in but someone that's not an LI caught my eye...Chain, which is why I'm asking if there's a chance you'd make a route for him or have him and other investigator as a separate game?? Because I would buy!! <3

Please check the latest vlog post because I started a campaign for additional routes! I'm happy that you enjoy the game so far. I hope to get a chance to expand the stories and draw the characters again.


This game is absolutely brilliant in every way. I'm so glad that this was the game that got me into visual novels as a whole (specifically otome-related VNs.) If you're scrolling through the comments wondering if you should download this absolute gem, then YES you should! The art is captivating from the get go which immediately dragged me in, but I ended up sticking around for a plotline that was so intriguing in and of itself. Asides from the main plotline, the romance development is beautiful, each storyline has a plot unique to the others. There is comedy, drama, mystery, horror, and of course a cup of the reader's tears on the side. The characters are all lovable, even the ones that are morally questionable. In fact, I fell for every single side character!!!

SPOILER TERRITORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so hard to pick a favorite because all of the characters are just...amazing. I didn't like Junoru's design and left him for last, and that ended up being the best choice I could've made. Because he grew onto me. In this case, it was a 'save the best for last' kind of scenario, except I didn't even realize I would like him as much as I do now. The art in his storyline in particular is breathtaking, and his personality ended up making me fall hard >.>

I seriously seriously loved all of the routes. From the surprise of learning Zeikun was the forest demon, to learning Sachiro was the temple guardian (though in a very complicated sense...), finding out Kurato was a cute cat all along and that Junoru was an immortal 'zombie.'  I really hope that the Roya/Chain/Mystery character routes will be created in the end! More content for this amazing game would be so wonderful, especially since I think Roya deserves a happy ending after dying in all of the routes. I'd always hope for Jace/Blace/Kaichi route as well but I understand that it would probably not work out well (and that Kaichi has a girlfriend alreadyyy. still hard to accept ;-;)
Overall... all of these storylines were beautiful and this game will remain in my heart for a long time. Thank you for this phenomenal piece of art, Pinlin <3


Heya Pinlin!

Someone uploaded your game on itch.io. Do you know this person?



Hello Amberbaum, 

The only official download is on this page and affiliated links. I do not allow distributions elsewhere, certainly not a re-upload on itch. Thank you for letting me know. I've sent a report.


still crazy about this game

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